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TV show presenter Reem Maged is in conversation with novelist Ahmed Khaled Towfik, a pioneer of the genre of science fiction and horror in Arabic, who attracted a wide fan base. He speaks here about his views and reflections on the 2011 revolution…

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Episode 1 of the satirical show, the Bassem Youssef Show. This episode was filmed at Youssef's home and distributed over the internet. At the time, he was a heart surgeon, who was helping to treat wounded protesters in Tahrir Square.

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This sketch by satirical performance group Atfal al-Shawarea mocks the controversial Saudi-Egypt agreement in 2016 over the Red Sea Islands. Following this video, members of the group were arrested on charges of inciting terrorism and imprisoned for…

This blog by 'Suzee in the City' documented street art and graffiti on the streets of Cairo and beyond in the period following the 25 January 2011 revolution. It includes photographs of street art and insightful commentary on street art and its…

This image depicts an Egyptian soldier standing over a pile of dead corpses; a clear criticism of the massive death toll under military rule.

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Viola Shafik's 'Scent of Revolution' traces the Egyptian revolution through the eyes of four different people of different generations living though the upheavals in two different cities: Cairo and Luxor. It moves between the present (the unfolding…

This graffiti transliterates Sisi's name into the Latin alphabet letters 'C C'. In the wake of the July 2013 coup and the closing down of public space, the very artistic graffiti of the early years of the revolution were replaced by this 'quick and…

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Taken from Massar Egbari's first album, 'Read the News' (2013), the song expresses defiance in the face of violence and authoritarianism.

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Live performance at El Sawy Culture Wheel, one of the few music venues in Cairo. The song is a social commentary on poor urban planning that leads to overcrowding, poor safety and poor living conditions.

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This Ramadan TV show from 2011 was highly acclaimed. Mowaten X is a contemporary murder mystery that deals with police brutality. Many viewers regarded it as being based on the story of Khaled Said, a young man from Alexandria who was beaten to death…