'I miss you tear gas'. The tear gas canister has 'Made in USA: Expiry 2003' written on it. The image refers to the tear gas that was used against protesters during the 18 day uprising. Canisters that were recovered showed that the tear gas was made…

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This song by a famous Egyptian singer was released in the summer of 2013, following the military's removal from power of Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi. This was a time of heightened political polarisation, with many Egyptians supporting…

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This film within a film is a haunting, lyrical chronicle of recent years in the Arab world, where revolutions seemed to spark hope for change and yield further instability in one stroke.

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"Shooting action scenes in Cairo was suicidal" says Diab. The director of 'Clash', a thriller set within the confines of a police van as political protests and violence rage outside, tells an audience at the London film festival about the risk of a…

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Dr Dina Rezk interviews former heart surgeon turned comedian Bassem Youssef in Los Angeles asking him about humour in Egypt, the huge success of his TV series, 'El Bernameg' ('The Show'), and the political power of satire.

Dr Sara Salem asks Philip Rizk about the making of the documentary film 'Out on the Street' ('Barra fil-sharia`) with Yasmina Metwaly, state censorship, audience reception and the relationship between cultural production and politics.

Documentary-maker Jehane Noujaim happened to be heading to her family home a few blocks from Tahrir Square in Egypt when the Egyptian revolution broke out. She figured out a way to shoot it, even though video cameras of any kind were being taken at…

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Bassem Youssef mocks government/Muslim Brotherhood narratives that foreign spies are lurking in every corner, bringing on his idol Jon Stewart.

Video Clip from Kalabsh Season 1. This Ramadan series follows the journey of Selim Al-Ansary, a hardworking police officer, who was wrongly accused of murder. The series recounts the story of a police officer who was subjected to injustice by a…