Sad Panda is known for his images depicting sadness or gloom. This graffiti captured the mood amongst many activists at this time.

A photograph of graffiti in Cairo celebrating the bravery of Samira Ibrahim, who raised a court case against the doctor who performed a so-called virginity test whilst she was under arrest in a military prison in March 2011. She is contrasted with…

This graffiti image is a tribute to Gaber Salah (aka Jika), who was the first martyr to fall during the term of former Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Morsi.

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Photograph of graffiti seen on a street in Cairo in February 2012. 'Sitt al-banat' (or, 'the best of girls') refers to the female protester who was filmed being dragged across the street and beaten by security personnel in December 2011.

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This stencil on the walls of Cairo University supports a general strike called by the Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions for 11 February 2012. The aim of the general strike was to end military rule and establish a civilian government…

The image shows the faces of three dictators who all maintained the same oppressive regime: Hosni Mubarak (former president of Egypt, who stepped down in February 2011), Mohamed Tantawi (head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Force (SCAF), which…

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A singer-songwriter who rose to fame shortly after the 2011 revolution, with this song a particular hit. He also performed in front of protesters in Tahrir Square during the uprising. He is known for his faith-inspired music, which is not only…

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This is a video of the band Bent al-Masarwa performing live. The band made their first album in 2015, after meeting at a creative writing workshop organized by feminist organization Nazra for Feminist Studies. Their songs are based on women's real…

This song, by Ultras Ahlawy tells the story of the emergence of the group and their role in the 2011 revolution, including the massacre of 74 Ultras Ahlawy members following a match in Port Said in February 2012.

This collection of photos taken by journalist and blogger Hossam El-Hamalawy constitutes a rich archive of images of the revolutionary period of 2011-2013, which not only includes the January 2011 protests but many others that occurred in the months…