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A highly acclaimed Ramadan TV show that follows the lives of different women inside a Cairo prison. It is a good example of the trend towards dealing with social issues and gender issues in Egyptian popular culture after 2011.

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In January 2011, two filmmakers captured the reality of the Egyptian revolution as it occurred out of view from the world's media in the alleyways and streets away from the square and in the process were arrested by the secret police.

Tahrir Square on 25 January 2012
'Goodbye Mubarak!' takes us to Egypt during the fall of 2010, in the run-up to legislative elections. What we discover is a revolution-in-waiting already simmering under the surface of Egyptian society. On January 25, 2011, the world was captivated…

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Excerpts from Laila Soliman's interactive theatre performance 'No Time for Art'. The play, performed in June 2011, tells stories of the uprising and military and police violence in a minimalist style.
This episode of the popular talk show 'Hina al-Asima' was dedicated to discussing mass sexual harassment of women protesters in and around Tahrir Square. The host, Lamis Elhadidy, interviews Jeanette Abdel-Alim, a field coordinator for the 'Shuft…

The series of short interviews entitled "Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution" was created by filmmaker Leil Zahra. In this video clip, activist and journalist Rasha Azab speaks about her experience and role during the 2011 revolution.

In this video clip, part of a series of short interviews entitled "Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution", filmmaker Leil Zahra documents the experience and role of activist and lawyer Maheinour El Massry during the 2011 revolution and its…

As part of a series of interviews with women activists in "Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution", filmmaker Leil Zahra interviews the young activist and artist Aya Tarek. Tarek is well-known for her fascinating graffiti work, even before the…

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Months before the 25 January 2011 uprising, many talked of revolution - but no one knew when that day would come. This story - filmed in the fourteen months leading up to the revolution - highlights the years of mounting resentment against the ruling…

Similar to other songs by Bahgaga band, this song uses satire and dark humour to underline the state of poverty, from which many Egyptians have been suffering due to the continuous and sharp rises in the prices of food items. Fava beans (or 'foul' in…