2025: fourteen years after the failed revolution, Egypt is invaded by a vicious foreign militant organization called the Knights of the Republic of Malta. Former police man Ahmed Otared joins a group of fellow officers in the armed resistance and…

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This film, released for the 2018 Eid holiday, smashed box office records in Egypt. The storyline revolves around a police officer, General Youssif Al-Masri, in Alexandria during the time of British colonial rule.

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"Shooting action scenes in Cairo was suicidal" says Diab. The director of 'Clash', a thriller set within the confines of a police van as political protests and violence rage outside, tells an audience at the London film festival about the risk of a…

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Cairo - 2013, two years after the Egyptian revolution, demonstrators of divergent political and religious backgrounds are forcibly detained together in a claustrophobic police truck during the turmoil that erupts following the ousting of former…

Graffiti created as part of a movement to break the silence around sexual harassment.

Grafitti depicting organised mass sexual assaults against women protesters in and around Tahrir Square in 2013.

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This book documents the graffiti of the first 2 years of the revolution. It is probably one of the most comprehensive collections of the street art that flourished in the wake of the 25 January 2011 uprising. It also includes interviews with some of…

Free Alaa Abdel-Fattah stencils from 2011. Alaa Abdel-Fattah, a prominent revolutionary activist, was imprisoned on several occasions after 2011 for his activism. In October 2011, he was arrested and accused of inciting violence against the military…

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In this mahragan track, Sadat and Fifty endorse the revolution but also poke fun at one of its most famous slogans, turning attention to people's everyday concerns.

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According to Ayman Massoud, a member of Massar Egbari, in a conversation in 2017, the song was made in 2014 but the video was made in 2016. "It is a song about living together, coexistence. It was a response to a song by Ali El-Hagar called ‘Ihna…