A depiction of the revolution and its success in ousting former president Hosni Mubarak, represented here as the king surrounded by pawns. This image appeared on the walls of the downtown campus of the American University in Cairo.

"The people want the fall of the regime". This graffiti image, depicting Syrian president Bashar al Assad, expresses solidarity with Syrians seeking to topple the Syrian regime.

This vivid image shows a fist, adorned with a cross and a crescent, representing unity between Muslims and Christians, breaking through military tanks. It represents a popular call for unity in standing against the army, seen by many activists as a…

The song was produced during the early days of the January 2011 Revolution and the video was filmed in Tahrir Square and includes footage from the 18 day sit-in. The song celebrates the revolution and was the first to be sung by the band after the…

The film takes us behind the scenes of the Egyptian revolution, its leaders and participants, including four Nobel Peace Prize nominees. “Their success in forcing the downfall of a brutal dictatorship has changed the face of the Middle East and…

This image depicts an Egyptian soldier standing over a pile of dead corpses; a clear criticism of the massive death toll under military rule.

This image raises awareness about unprecedented censorship and attacks on freedom of expression under the regime of El-Sisi. Of note, the government used new anti-terrorism laws to prosecute those expressing any sort of dissent.

"The army protected the revolution. Of course." Screenprint on paper. This image, part of a series, is an ironic statement, highlighting that, despite the rhetoric, the military did not protect nor support the revolution. The image refers to 'sitt…

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Iconic post-uprising street art, Ganzeer's 'Tank versus Bike' depicts a man on a bicycle delivering bread - a common sight in Egypt - being confronted by a tank. It is clear criticism of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) at a time when…

'Nawara', the story of a downtrodden maid's experience of the revolution, scooped international prizes but mediocre returns at the box office in Egypt. Unlike many of the films made about the revolution, 'Nawara' demonstrates the ways in which the…