- Collection: TV Shows
In this episode of the satirical show, El Bernameg, Bassem Youssef focuses on the difficulties of making satirical comedy in the midst of a violent and polarised political context. This is the first episode of the 3rd season for Bassem Youssef's…
From controversial subjects to risqué material, the Arab world’s most vociferous puppet talks about her early career in advertising and her plans for the future.
This episode of the Baladna Bilmasry TV talk show became very famous for playing a part in the resignation of then prime minister Ahmed Shafiq. During this episode, the renown writer Alaa al-Asswany sharply criticised Shafiq, whilst TV broadcaster…
In this clip, the much loved vernacular poet Ahmed Fouad Negm celebrates the revolution during its early days. Throughout his life, he wrote many poems about revolution, and at last he felt that his dreams were coming true with Egyptians going out…
These songs by the popular Choir Project band were shown on Bassem Youssef's TV show El Bernameg. They are humorous, satirical and politically charged. The lyrics mock then president Mohammad Morsi and the political turmoil which was prevalent at…
Following the success of his satirical YouTube show B+, Bassem Youssef was offered a weekly show with TV network ONTV. Youssef's show came to be one of the most watched TV shows in the Arab world. He was forced off air and forced to flee the country…
A highly acclaimed Ramadan TV show that follows the lives of different women inside a Cairo prison. It is a good example of the trend towards dealing with social issues and gender issues in Egyptian popular culture after 2011.
This Ramadan TV show from 2011 was highly acclaimed. Mowaten X is a contemporary murder mystery that deals with police brutality. Many viewers regarded it as being based on the story of Khaled Said, a young man from Alexandria who was beaten to death…
A family story that traces shifts in modern Egyptian history. This widely acclaimed drama series, released in Ramadan 2013, is based on the novel by Sonallah Ibrahim.
TV show presenter Reem Maged is in conversation with novelist Ahmed Khaled Towfik, a pioneer of the genre of science fiction and horror in Arabic, who attracted a wide fan base. He speaks here about his views and reflections on the 2011 revolution…