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In this episode of the satirical show, El Bernameg, Bassem Youssef focuses on the difficulties of making satirical comedy in the midst of a violent and polarised political context. This is the first episode of the 3rd season for Bassem Youssef's…

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Following the success of his satirical YouTube show B+, Bassem Youssef was offered a weekly show with TV network ONTV. Youssef's show came to be one of the most watched TV shows in the Arab world. He was forced off air and forced to flee the country…

An angel informs Adam and Eve that they would not have been forced to leave paradise if they had voted 'yes' in the referendum on the 2012 constitution. The satirical cartoon was published in the newspaper Masry El Youm in December 2012.

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This song, sung by belly dancer Sama El-Masry, mocks the Muslim Brotherhood. It was a viral hit amongst opponents of former president Mohammed Morsi when it was uploaded in November 2012. It incorporates political chants from anti-Muslim Brotherhood…

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Abdullah El-Sherif is an Islamist-leaning Youtube personality who models his show on Bassem Youssef (and by extension, Jon Stewart), in the style of a satirical catch-up on the news. His earlier videos were primarily politically-inspired poems in the…

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A family story that traces shifts in modern Egyptian history. This widely acclaimed drama series, released in Ramadan 2013, is based on the novel by Sonallah Ibrahim.

An online archive of voices of Egyptian people, documenting their understandings and perceptions of events after 2011. Material for the Dictionary was collected in conversations with around 200 individuals in Egypt from March to August 2014.…

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In January 2011, two filmmakers captured the reality of the Egyptian revolution as it occurred out of view from the world's media in the alleyways and streets away from the square and in the process were arrested by the secret police.

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Yasmin Baramawy speaks about her ordeal of being gang raped for around 2 hours after attending a protest in Tahrir Square in 2012. This is one of the first times that a survivor of rape speaks publicly and on TV.
Mass sexual assault against women…

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The song was produced in late 2011 after the famous cabinet sit-in and the violence directed against the protesters by the military. The lyrics condemn the army, and their extreme measures of violence and abuse committed against the women protesters…