An angel informs Adam and Eve that they would not have been forced to leave paradise if they had voted 'yes' in the referendum on the 2012 constitution. The satirical cartoon was published in the newspaper Masry El Youm in December 2012.

An online archive of voices of Egyptian people, documenting their understandings and perceptions of events after 2011. Material for the Dictionary was collected in conversations with around 200 individuals in Egypt from March to August 2014.…

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This is a video of the band Bent al-Masarwa performing live. The band made their first album in 2015, after meeting at a creative writing workshop organized by feminist organization Nazra for Feminist Studies. Their songs are based on women's real…

Pharaonic women going to battle. This famous mural, painted on the walls of Mohamed Mahmoud Street, depicts the gendered dimensions of the Egyptian revolution, drawing on Pharonic imagery. It shows Egyptian women as strong, active and revolutionary.…

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Egyptian novelist and writer Ahdaf Soueif narrates her history of Cairo and her journey through the first few months of the 2011 revolution, highlighting the intersections of the personal and the political in the context of these momentous events.

A grim futuristic account of Egyptian society in the year 2023. Originally published in Arabic in 2008, Utopia is a sharp criticism of Egyptian society and politics under the regime of former president Hosni Mubarak.

This vivid image shows a fist, adorned with a cross and a crescent, representing unity between Muslims and Christians, breaking through military tanks. It represents a popular call for unity in standing against the army, seen by many activists as a…

'Clean your brain so that nobody brainwashes you'. A common theme amongst revolutionary activists in the post-2011 period was that of brainwashing. They sought to highlight how continuing support for the military despite their clear violations was…

'I miss you tear gas'. The tear gas canister has 'Made in USA: Expiry 2003' written on it. The image refers to the tear gas that was used against protesters during the 18 day uprising. Canisters that were recovered showed that the tear gas was made…

In this image, a protester tries to break down 'corruption' while a member of SCAF watches and does nothing. This image reflects the growing discontent amongst Egyptians with SCAF rule.