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A singer-songwriter who rose to fame shortly after the 2011 revolution, with this song a particular hit. He also performed in front of protesters in Tahrir Square during the uprising. He is known for his faith-inspired music, which is not only…

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This collection of graffiti by various artists is considered an important archive for different phases of the 2011 revolution as expressed in street art. Most of the artistic works collected and documented by Heba Helmi in the book are no longer…

In this interview, Nicola Pratt asks Professor Hoda Elsadda of Cairo University about archives.

'I miss you tear gas'. The tear gas canister has 'Made in USA: Expiry 2003' written on it. The image refers to the tear gas that was used against protesters during the 18 day uprising. Canisters that were recovered showed that the tear gas was made…

This collection of photos taken by journalist and blogger Hossam El-Hamalawy constitutes a rich archive of images of the revolutionary period of 2011-2013, which not only includes the January 2011 protests but many others that occurred in the months…

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This Oscar-nominated documentary follows the trajectory of several Tahrir Square protestors who took part in the first 18 days of the 2011 revolution, as they continued to participate in demonstrations and sit-ins following the overthrow of former…

Documentary-maker Jehane Noujaim happened to be heading to her family home a few blocks from Tahrir Square in Egypt when the Egyptian revolution broke out. She figured out a way to shoot it, even though video cameras of any kind were being taken at…

Crop is an absorbing account of the 2011 Egyptian revolution - one that includes no images of the popular uprising itself. Filmed entirely within the offices of Al-Ahram, the country's largest state-run newspaper, the film is a series of carefully…

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A family story that traces shifts in modern Egyptian history. This widely acclaimed drama series, released in Ramadan 2013, is based on the novel by Sonallah Ibrahim.