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Song "Yal midan - Oh Square" by Aida al-Ayyoubi and Cairokee Band
أغنية "يا الميدان" - عايدة الأيوبي وكايرو كي




The song was produced in 2011 to celebrate the people's solidarity and unity on Tahrir Square during the first 18 days of the Revolution. It is specifically dedicated to "The Square".
The video includes references to the many roles that people played in the protests, such as a caring for injured protesters or protecting the square.


Cairokee and Aida al-Ayyoubi



Date Published


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Date Created



Cairokee and Aida al-Ayyoubi, “Song "Yal midan - Oh Square" by Aida al-Ayyoubi and Cairokee Band,” Politics, Popular Culture and the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, accessed October 5, 2024,

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Aida El-Ayoubi.jpg


“O Square
Where have you been all this time?
With you we sang and struggled
We fought our fears and prayed
Standing as one, day and night
With you, there was no impossible
The sound of freedom brings us together
At last our lives have meaning
There’s no going back
Our voices are heard
Dreaming is no longer forbidden

O Square
Where have you been all this time?
You broke the wall, you brought the light
Your brought a broken people
Together around you
We were born again,
And the stubborn dream is born
We differ
But the intentions are pure
Sometimes the picture is not clear
We’ll protect our country
And our children’s children
We’ll bring back the rights
Of the young that died

O Square
Where have you been all this time?
With you we had feelings and a new start
After being distant and were finished
We must change ourselves
You gave us a lot
The rest is on us
Sometimes I’m scared you’ll just be a memory
That we’ll grow distant and the idea will die
That we’ll forget what happened
And you become just a story we tell

O Square
Where have you been all this time?
A square that’s full
Of different people
The one who’s sold out
And the brave
The lover
And the one who just goes along
The one who shouts
And the one who’s silent

We gather round to drink tea
We know how to gain our rights
You made the world listen
And neighbours come together

O Square
Where have you been all this time?
The idea is our strength
Our unity is our weapon
A square that tells the truth
That says no to the oppressor
A square that is like a wave
Some hold on,
While others get pulled along
Others stand aside and say
It’s just a fuss
And all actions have been noted down
O Square
Where have you been all this time?


5.02 min.
