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Hekayetna (Our Story) - Song by Ultras Ahlawy




This song, by Ultras Ahlawy tells the story of the emergence of the group and their role in the 2011 revolution, including the massacre of 74 Ultras Ahlawy members following a match in Port Said in February 2012.
The term 'ultras' originated in Italy to mean associations of football fans, known for the fanatical support of their respective teams. In Egypt, ultras groups emerged in the early 2000s. Ultras Ahlawy is a group supporting the premier division football club, Al-Ahly. In 2015, a court ruled that the group was a terrorist organization. Ultras Ahlawy was frozen in 2018 as a result of ongoing security harassment.


Ultras Ahlawy


Operation Egypt published via

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    English subtitles added by Operation Egypt.



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Ultras Ahlawy, “Hekayetna (Our Story) - Song by Ultras Ahlawy,” Politics, Popular Culture and the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, accessed October 5, 2024,

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Hekayetna (Our Story) - Song by Ultras Ahlawy

When we came, football was full of lies and deception:
It was a distraction, and a mask for the authority.
They try to polish it and make it the country's concern:
They forgot the stadium, filled with thousands.
[try to] Kill the idea more and more.
Injustice is everywhere.
I will never forget your past,
You were the regime slave.

When the revolution erupted, we took to the streets all over the nation: We died for Freedom and the fall of corruption heads.

We are not done yet, as the regime is still kicking: The interior police of the [regime] dogs and injustice is everywhere.
[try to] Kill the revolution more and more.
The word "Freedom" drives you crazy!
No matter how brutal the warden is, he's a chicken against my voice.

We said it in the stadium, in front of millions: Down with the regime that kills our generation every day.
They set us up and did the unthinkable: They killed our most precious friends, and the youth dream.

In Port Said, the victims saw Treachery before death.
They saw a regime that presents chaos as its only alternative.
That regime thought its grip will make it untouchable.
And make the revolutionary people kneel to the military rule. Not anymore!
Unleash more of your dogs [police], and spread chaos everywhere.
I will never trust you, nor let you control me one more day.

In Port Said, the dogs [regime thugs] were unleashed on the people.
When SCAF opened the doors, they [regime thugs] charged on the people: spreading chaos, and killing the most precious youth.
Of them [the youth] were engineers, workers, and children too.
The passed away, while their dream was an end to your [military] rule.
Oh, SCAF you bastards. How much money is a martyr's blood?
You sold our blood cheap: to protect the regime which you are a part of.

Translation by Operation Egypt


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